Kind of reminds me of the marginal way in Ogunquit, Maine- but it Sihanoukville - a small seaside town. There was only a railing on one side and you had to time your walking so you didnt get slashed or fall in- but I did end up getting splashed but I did not fall in!

really pretty walkway down to the beach at a fancy hotel - where I did not stay- but it was fun to explore their grounds!

Me in front of pretty carvings

The squid lady!! She served up baby squids on sticks! It was really cool to see! She carries around a small stove with her that's strung up on a wooden pole that goes over her shoulders. I didnt try the them- trying to play it safe with my belly but all of the kids and adults I was with scarffed them down!

Prickly fruit lady- I've eaten this fruit before but dont remember what its called, I think thats a pretty awesome bunch of fruit to carry around on your head!

Me and a Giant coconut drink!

Svey Hem and the giant coconut- she is the wife of one of my bosses! She is super nice and we had a bunch of fun together!

A shot of the rainy beach- it was still really nice despite the rain!
Its been a whirlwind time since I last posted. I want to keep in short and simple so people like Connie will actually read the blog!
I have been sick and recovered- don’t really want to relive that whole experience- tho I did contemplate having my photo taken with ice packs all over me and an IV in my arm, for the blog but glad there is no evidence of that now tho!
I went to the beach with so coworkers and their families. We went to Sihanoukville, it rained but I still had a good time.
Since coming back to Phnom Penh I have been settling in more, going to a mountain of emails, and I have been hanging out with some existing friends and making some new ones!
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