It has been a pretty jam packed two days. It seems like forever ago, but yesterday afternoon I a very pleasant experience at the farmers market. I got off work early and was home in time to walk through the farmers market that happens every Monday and goes until 6 pm. I sampled some of food, had a nibble of Taza chocolate and spilled strawberry jam on my shirt. The last stall I stopped at had a lot of fish products, but also hummus. I tried the hummus which was fantastic, as far as hummus goes and exclaimed to the gentleman working at that stall that I was excited to be able to come to the farmers market since by the time I get home the farmers market will be over. He asked what I did for work and proudly exclaimed that I worked for Americorps! He didn't know what that meant so I told him. It was the first time in my work history that I have been excited to tell someone what I do for work. In the past I have always been embarrassed about my job, and granted a job is a job and sometimes they are terrible and you just do it to pay your rent, but I am soooo happy to have a job that I love. I am excited to get up and go to work everyday. Its a really great feeling that I savor every second of the day. I never look at the clock and count down the minutes. Sometimes different parts of the day can drag on but on the whole I love my job so far.
That being said, I am still in orientation and haven't started the actual position that will occupy 1785 hours of my life from now until June. Too many people want positions in the Elementary school and not enough people want to work in the preschool. I have gone back and forth trying to weigh the differences and pros and cons between the programs. Part of me thinks that it might be fun to work in the preschool and that I should just volunteer to choose that position, but the other part would really enjoy working at the elementary school. I have decided to leave it up to the program directors to decide for me. I will make the best of what ever position I get. It's one of those situations where you just can't have it both ways and will miss out on somethings but there is good to be had in both situations. I will write more on the topic once I know my position. That being said, I REALLY hope I get the elementary school. I really want to tackle all of the challenges it poses, but preschool could be fun and I would get to reach out and help more kids with that program.
We had a really engaging training this afternoon. It was all about asset development. It discussed the 40 assets that kids need to develop to thrive and grow in to successful adults. We talked about which assets we developed in our youth and discussed ways to help foster assets with the kids we will be helping. I really liked how it was broken down into 8 different areas. I liked seeing it on paper, because a lot of the assets are things you know a kid needs like love, shelter and support but it broke down the reasons as to why these were needed and how they helped a child develop in to a well-rounded adult.
On an entirely different note I wanted to mention how much fun I had last night at Grendel's Den with Ryan, Mariana, Erika, Annabell and Sasha from Russia. I went intending on only having a beer and socializing for a short while, but it ended up with Sasha ordering us many a beverage. I had a lot of fun talking with so many different kinds of people and drinking drinks that don't usually indulge in. It was a memorable night full of excitement and laughter.
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